

Volunteering and internship

The Faculty of European Studies started its activity under the name of School of Higher European Comparative Studiesin 1993-. In May 1995 the official name of the institution became Faculty of European Studies. ERI was created as a result of UBB’s Senate Decision dating from13.05.2003.In 2016, ERI received the stuts of a research-development and innovation unit of excellence operating within the Faculty of European Studies. ERI’s activity is financially suported from the Faculty’s extra-budgetary resources and its research grants. ERI is part of the strategic research infrastructure of Babes-Bolyai University (UBB r-platform) and is included in the distributed network of units of excellence of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Science and Technology (STAR-UBB).  

If you are interested in conducting a volunterr/internship stage within ERI, please sends us an email at:
