19 March: Roundtable discussion
Executive power, foreign policy and constitutionalism in South Africa
Volunteering and internship

Why The Institute of International Relations and Area Studies?
The Faculty of European Studies started its activity under the name of School of Higher European Comparative Studiesin 1993-. In May 1995 the official name of the institution became Faculty of European Studies. ERI was created as a result of UBB’s Senate Decision dating from13.05.2003.In 2016, ERI received the stuts of a research-development and innovation unit of excellence operating within the Faculty of European Studies. ERI’s activity is financially suported from the Faculty’s extra-budgetary resources and its research grants. ERI is part of the strategic research infrastructure of Babes-Bolyai University (UBB r-platform) and is included in the distributed network of units of excellence of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Science and Technology (STAR-UBB).
How do i become an IIRAS volunteer/intern?
If you are interested in conducting a volunterr/internship stage within ERI, please sends us an email at: