The DIGI REGIO archive was donated to the Institute of International Relations and Area Studies in 2011 together with the related equipment (two microfiche scanners provided with a control panel that allows the adjustment of the microfiche scan parameters and their printing). Being unique at regional level but also for the ex-communist area, it contains over 10,000 documents of the European Committee of the Regions in EU ofiicial languages that are available for consultation to both Romanian and foreign researchers.
Since 2020, the DG-Regio archive has been included in the rUBB platform of strategic research infrastructure elements.
The DIGI REGIO archive is managed by the Institute of International Relations and Area Studies benefiting from a dedicated space within the Faculty of European Studies, Emmanuel de Martonne Street no. 1, 2nd floor, Cluj Napoca. The documents can be accessed daily from 10.00 to 16.00. For appointments please send an email to: researchinstitute.euro@ubbcluj.ro
Specialized staff Scientific Researcher PhD Oana Poiană