The International Center for Transdisciplinary Research
The International Center for Transdisciplinary Research (CIRET) is a non-profit organization based in Paris that was founded in 1987. The organization’s goal is to develop research through a new scientific and cultural approach – transdisciplinarity – whose goal is to to make known the nature and characteristics of the flow of information, which circulates from the different branches of science. CIRET is a privileged meeting place for specialists from different sciences and for those from other fields of activity, especially teachers.
Center of Excellence for Institutional and Administrative Reform of the European Union (PRIAUE)
The Center of Excellence for Institutional and Administrative Reform of the European Union (PRIAUE) is part of the European Research Institute. It was inaugurated on February 6, 2008. The strategic goal of this approach is to gather the necessary elements for the establishment of a “think-tank” research unit focused on the EU’s institutional and administrative strategy and its impact on institutional, administrative, political developments, social, economic and legal issues of Romania.
"European Construction" Center of Excellence. Stages of Enlargement
European Construction Center of Excellence. Stages of Enlargement
– File No. C01-065, 2001-2004;
– File no C05 / 0003-2005-2010;
Teaching and research activities
Budget: – € 45,000
Research topics:
1. European studies and their role in the modernization and Europeanization of the Romanian society. Europeanization of Romanian society. Emphasis on changing mindsets
Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Nicolae Păun, Professor Maria Bîrsan and associate professor Dr. Mircea Maniu
2. Introduction to the European Union: Introducing the EU: intensive course. From communities to the Union? The future of Romanian agriculture in the European Union.
Coordinated by Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c. Reinhard Meyers, Prof.dr Dr.Dr.h.c Wichard Woyke
3, About the political future of the European Union
Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Nicolae Păun, Prof. Dr. Ovidiu Pecican
4, Local institutions involved in the process of European integration
Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Nicolae Păun
5, The message of the founders from the perspective of the process of contemporary European construction 2006/2007
Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Nicolae Păun