Our Team

Our Team

Prof. dr. Gabriela CIOT

DIRECTOR OF THE DOCTORAL "International Relations and European Studies"

Field of doctoral supervision: International relations and European studies

Areas of interest: decision-making, idiosyncrasies, international and European negotiations, cultural diplomacy

Institutional affiliation: Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies

Email: melania.ciot@ubbcluj.ro

CV Prof. univ. dr. Gabriela CIOT

Assoc. prof. dr. Adrian Corpădean

Field of doctoral supervision: International relations and European studies

Areas of interest: the history of European integration, the integration of Central-Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, European communication, European project management, the multiannual planning framework of the European Union

Institutional affiliation: Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies

Prof. dr. Nicolae Păun

 Field of doctoral supervision: International relations and European studies

Areas of interest: Institutional and administrative reform of the European Union; Modeling the New Europe; The evolution of economic life. Contemporary economic systems; The history of European integration.

Email: nicolae.paun@ubbcluj.ro

Prof. dr. Vasile Pușcaș

Field of doctoral supervision: International relations and European studies

Areas of interest: international relations, history of international relations, international and European negotiations, international politics, European integration, cultural diplomacy, international management

Institutional affiliation: Babes-Bolyai University, Gh. Baritiu Institute of History of the Romanian Academy

Email: vasilepuscas2007@yahoo.com


Prof. dr. Valentin Naumescu

Field of doctoral supervision: International relations and European studies

Areas of interest: International relations and European studies; Foreign policy and diplomacy; Global and regional security;
Strategic policies, great powers, balance of power; Transatlantic relations; Eastern Neighborhood of the European Union.

Institutional affiliation: Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies

Domain: International relations and European studies

Email: valentin.naumescu@ubbcluj.ro

CV Prof. dr. Valentin NAUMESCU

Mircea Brie

Prof. dr. Mircea Brie

Field of doctoral supervision: International relations and European studies

Areas of interest: International relations and European studies; European borders. Border space in international relations; The process of European integration; European Union institutions and policies; European borders. Border space in international relations; European, national, regional and local identity; Issues of national minorities and social security;

Institutional affiliation:  Oradea University

Domain: International relations and European studies

Email:  mirceabrie@gmail.com

CV Prof. dr. Mircea BRIE

Prof. dr. Sergiu Mișcoiu

Field of doctoral supervision: Political Science

Areas of interest: Political science; Theories of international relations; Theories of political ideologies; Populism, extremism, radicalism, nationalism; Dynamics of contemporary political systems; Discourse theories with applications in political science.

Institutional affiliation: Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies

Email: miscoiu.sergiu@ubbcluj.ro

CV Prof. dr. Sergiu MIȘCOIU

Assoc. prof. dr. ANA-GABRIELA PANTEA

Field of doctoral supervision: International relations and European studies
 Areas of interest: 1.International risk analysis and management: transnational conflicts in Europe and Asia 2. BRICS states in a multipolar world 3. The People’s Republic of China: domestic affairs and international relations 4. India’s international context 5. Authocratization and democratic backsliding: theories and case studies 6. We versus Them: applied intersubjectivity theories in a polarised IR context
 Institutional affiliation: Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies
 Email: ana.pantea@ubbcluj.ro

Prof. dr. Ovidiu Pecican

Field of doctoral supervision: History

Areas of interest:

Institutional affiliation: Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies

Email: coriolan.pecican@ubbcluj.ro

CV Prof. dr. Ovidiu PECICAN

Prof. dr. Enikö Vincze

Field of doctoral supervision: Sociology

Areas of interest: Sociology (socio-cultural anthropology, gender studies, Romani studies); Anthropology of human rights;
Social exclusion, discrimination, racism; Gender, nation, nationalism; Socio-economic condition of ethnic Roma in Europe and policies for Roma; Gender inequalities, feminism and gender policies in the EU; Social segregation and urban order

Institutional affiliation: Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work

Email: eniko.vincze@ubbcluj.ro

CV Prof. dr. Enikö VINCZE