Solidarity Fund
This system depends on the people solidarity.
To make things easier, we think that it has to be able to make the donation (including the exact quantity) in
the same registration form)
Many editions of the Conference “European Culture” have included the participation of colleagues coming
from countries in weak economic situation, especially from development countries or other countries in which
there is no economic support for participating in conferences abroad. Therefore, based on suggestions from
participants of the Fifth International Conference, a Solidarity Fund was established and maintained for the
following Conferences.
The Solidarity Fund’s sources comprise of:
The voluntary contribution of participants of the current and previous conferences and members of the
Conference Organizing Committee.
Donations from companies, associations or individuals who wish to financially support foreign participants,
mainly professors and young researchers or PhD students, coming to the Conference.
Apply for the Solidarity Fund
Submit your application for the Solidarity Fund to the Conference Organising Committee at presenting your interest in attending the Conference and explaining the reasons
requesting the Solidarity Fund. Moreover, indicate the financial support you need from the following options:
Discount or exemption from the Conference registration fee;
Scholarship for accommodation expenses;
Scholarship for other expenses during the stay.
For getting help by the Solidarity Fund, the acceptance of a paper is needed.
Please note
The Solidarity Fund covers only the registration and expenses during the stay, however, travel costs are not
covered by the fund.
The applications for the Solidarity Fund will only be considered when accompanied by the Conference
registration and the application for the Solidarity Fund.
The fund applications will be studied on a first come first served basis, so it is advisable to send them well in
Besides the personal situation, the economic situation of the country will be taken into account, therefore aid
for participants coming from member states of the European Union and other countries with similar economic
indicators will, in principle, be excluded.